Welcome to
Healthier Together
Healthier Together – Pierce & St. Croix Counties is a community coalition working to create and maintain healthy communities.
Healthier Together initiatives focus on bringing people together from across the county to identify and address a variety of health priorities using a strategic framework.
Supporting mental, social, and emotional health and creating thriving, livable communities for all
The mental, social, and emotional health (MSE) of Pierce and St. Croix residents and creating livable communities for all (TLC) were identified as the two top health priorities for 2023-2025. A comprehensive implementation plan has been developed to address these needs while building partnerships and highlighting existing community resources.
Each of us can play an important role in community health improvement whether in our homes, schools, workplaces, churches, or in our communities.
More than 200 partners from over 60 organizations support Healthier Together. We encourage you to get involved, because together we can transform our community into a place where healthy choices are easier!
Helpful Links
211 St. Croix Valley
Get Connected. Get Help. 24/7/365
When you need help and don't know where to turn, 211 is your one-stop connection to the local services that are here for you, like food and utility assistance, housing, mental health services and crisis intervention, elder care, disaster services, substance abuse help, and much more. 211 St. Croix Valley provides free, confidential information and referral to programs in Pierce, St. Croix, Polk, and Burnett counties.
CALL 211 to speak to a representative (dial 877-947-2211 if you have a non-715 area code)
TEXT your zip code to 898211
SEARCH the online database to access more than 10,000 different statewide programs and services
Guide to Mental Health Services in Pierce and St. Croix Counties
Guide to Mental Health Services in Pierce and St. Croix Counties provides information on the types and locations that local mental health services are available as well as what forms of insurance are generally accepted. Last update was April 2023.
Local Food Resources
Recognizing the connection between nutrition and mental health, Healthier Together members keep a brochure of current food resources in Pierce and St. Croix Counties. Resources are available in both English and Spanish.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.