Mental, Social, and Emotional Wellness Goals & Objectives
Goal 1: Enhance workforce resiliency and wellbeing
o Objective 1a: By July 2023, engage at least 15 community members in arts-based focus groups to better understand their experience of the pandemic, while also supporting community recovery through artistic expression.
o Objective 1b: By May of 2023, develop and promote a menu of mental health and emotional wellness training and assistance programs throughout St. Croix and Pierce counties.
o Objective 1c: Expand Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid training opportunities through strategic collaboration with YMCA in Hudson, United Way St. Croix Valley and other community partners in St. Croix and Pierce County, resulting in 250 new individuals trained as Mental Health First Aiders by December of 2023.
o Objective 1d: By December 2023, address the short and long-term mental health impacts that COVID-19 had on healthcare workers (direct and non-direct patient care) by offering 4 resiliency training and employee engagement opportunities to promote wellbeing, teamwork, and employee retention.
Goal 2: Build healthy coping skills and stress reduction strategies for youth and their caregivers
o Objective 2a: By July 2023, engage at least 10 youth in the photo contest to express their experience during the pandemic and their hopes for the future.
o Objective 2b: By June 2023, conduct checks of 34 facilities in Pierce County and 71 facilities in St. Croix County to see if they will sell tobacco or vaping products to minors. Take an education-based approach for retailers who do sell.
o Objective 2c: By December 2025, increase awareness of mental health, mental illness, substance use disorders and their associated stigma through community awareness, education and support opportunities by establishing 4 new communities partners.
o Objective 2d: By December 2023, increase youth mental health collaboration among school, county, medical, and non-profit partners to support mental health screening, support, and coordination of care for youth to bimonthly meetings with at least 92% of Pierce and St. Croix County school districts participating.
o Objective 2e: By December 2023, increase access to the library parks backpack program with multilingual materials in every backpack.
o Objective 2f: By Spring 2025, the Mental, Social and Emotional Wellness group will meet with St. Croix and Pierce County community foundations (St. Croix Valley Foundation, Hudson Community Foundation, New Richmond Community Foundation, Somerset Community Foundation, River Falls Community Foundation, Prescott Community Foundation) to inform grantmaking that supports programs that build healthy coping skills and stress reduction strategies for youth and their caregivers.
Goal 3: Improve local access to meet the needs of residents seeking mental health care
o Objective 3a: Maintain behavioral health crisis telemedicine in 4 hospital EDs and increase behavioral health telemedicine in 2 satellite sites by 2025.
o Objective 3b: By 2025, increase amount of prescription medications and opioids collected in a secure manner at drop box locations at hospitals by 5%.
o Objective 3c: By December 31, 2023, increase participation by 10% for two community symposium events that inform, and/or educate the public on issues related to mental health and/or substance use disorders.