Thriving and Livable Communities
Goals & Objectives
Goal 1: Improve social, environmental, and economic conditions that influence health
o Objective 1a: By December 2023, present Having a Healthy Home at 5 community events or meetings.
o Objective 1b: Through the state-funded Project Growth: DREAM UP! grant opportunity, the established grant Core Team Members will participate in a strategic Planning Process for the purpose of improving and expanding the childcare capacity within a specified region of St Croix and Pierce Counties. By 9/2023, core team members will have met 6 times to establish an agreed goal for improvement.
o Objective 1c: By December 2023, provide grassroots advocacy training to at least 15 Healthier Together members.
o Objective 1d: By January 2024, begin a monthly distribution of free diapers to Pierce County residents who need them.
o Objective 1e: By December 2023, complete the final housing assessment process and report to include at least three potential next steps related to housing policy, systems, or environmental changes.
o Objective 1f: By December 2024, six community-led projects to increase equitable opportunities for physical activity will be funded and completed.
o Objective 1g: In 2023-2025, Pierce and St Croix Counties will join together to complete 6 screening events in order to increase the number of private well screened for Nitrate for all, increase access to lab certified Nitrate testing of drinking water for all, and evaluate results to identify townships with elevated nitrate levels to plan future activities.
o Objective 1h: By 2023, establish a health equity page on Pierce/St. Croix Healthier Together’s website. This page will provide vetted resources that have been previously explored or implemented by workgroup members. These resources can then support the work of Healthier Together as well as the public around the subject of health equity and the social determinants of health. Once established it will be improved and maintained throughout the 2023-2025 Community Health Improvement Plan.
o Objective 1i: By December 2023, implement a system-wide approach to address Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in 4 medical centers in Pierce and St. Croix counties through screening, systems, community partnerships, and referrals.
o Objective 1j: By July 2023, 50% of food pantries in Pierce and St. Croix Counties will implement a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practice in their pantry operations.
o Objective 1k: By December 2023, at least 20 Pierce County community members will participate in a seed library to empower families to grow vegetables and fruits at home.
Goal 2: Increase equitable access to health care
o Objective 2a: By May 2023, complete an access to care assessment through qualitative research on 30 individuals or families experiencing homelessness or in transitional housing in St. Croix County.
o Objective 2b: Increase communication and communication strategies with the public on immunizations to increase the rates of vaccination in children 0-18y by 10% as documented in WIR by the end of 2025.
o Objective 2c: Identify and address barriers to care to ensure health equity for all we serve in the 4 medical centers in Pierce and St. Croix Counties by 2025.
o Objective 2d: By December 2025, establish at least 2 new dental partnerships to increase access to dental care for Pierce and St. Croix County residents.